Contact Susan Langridge:
Phone: 0492 858 850
A vote for me is a vote for community and the environment
I have lived in Forrest in The Otways with my family since 1992. I’ve worked all over the Colac Otway Shire as a Remote Area Nurse, in community health, in the hospital, providing palliative care and as a midwife. I have been with families at the best and most difficult times and I have felt increasingly worried about what sort of future the babies I help bring into the world will have to contend with.
I’m running for council because I want us to do more about climate change. And I say “us” because it is up to every individual to act. We all produce carbon when we drive the car, use electricity generated by coal and heat the house with gas. We need to rein this in and change it when we can. We can do this. We have already adapted so well and so quickly in our response to Covid-19. We stopped shaking hands and hugging our elderly relatives. We do this because we care about each other’s well-being. We need to bring the same level of care to action on the other threat, for our children and grandchildren.
Last year I joined the local Climate Action Team to gather signatures on a petition asking the Colac Otway Shire to acknowledge a climate emergency. We were asking them to commit to 100% renewable energy for council operations by 2025 and a target of net-zero emissions for the community by 2030. They have made progress in the last few years for council operations, but we need Council to do more to help the community reduce emissions. The petition was voted down.
I still want meaningful action. I join many other would-be climate candidates in local government elections across the state and I am hopeful for a change.
~ Susan Langridge
Autorised by Susan Langridge, c/o Forrest Post Office, Forrest, 3236
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