Why 2030 — not 2050 — is the crucial time frame: We need zero emissions at emergency speed.
“Mobilising for zero emissions by 2030 is critical. A 2050 timeframe will not prevent catastrophic outcomes. Long-term targets are an excuse for procrastination. That has been the history of international climate policy-making. The short term is crucial: what we do now and before 2030 matters, not aspirations about 2050.”
→ Slides: Horisontal – Landscape
The underestimation of the seriousness of the climate reality today poses grave consequences for the future safety, health and well-being of our societies, the capacity of governments to protect the people, and regional and global stability.
The resource paper Climate Reality Check 2020 draws together current climate research from around the world to present 20 critical observations, insights and understandings to help inform and guide the stark choices that now stand before us.
→ View, download, print at www.climaterealitycheck.net