Monique Connell – Windermere Ward

Contact Monique Connell: Email | Facebook

Recycling and urban farming
A vote for me is a vote for climate action in a time where we are living in a climate emergency. I want Geelong to be a world leader in recycling – harnessing the amazing resources and talent at the Deakin University Technology precinct, and working with local business, industry and the community to create a recycling program which makes recycling as easy and painless as throwing your rubbish in the ‘red bin’. I want Geelong to have community gardens where anyone can grow and take home fresh fruit and vegetables and this will not just foster community, but create jobs.
~ Monique Connell

Media coverage

Monique Connell speaking about the real issues in Windermere Ward. She enters first time at 4:45 min.
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Monique Connell in The Sustainable Hour on 94.7 The Pulse on 22 September 2020

“When water becomes the same price as gold, the wealthy will always be able to afford it. But those people who are on the margins, less wealthy, who are working pay to pay and struggling to put food on the table, those are the people who are first affected by climate change. The people in my ward are such an important group of people, and I really want them to understand that I will represent them in Council. I will be a voice for them – to support everybody to get on board and make a change for the environment.”
Monique Connell, ‘Put Climate First’ candidate for the Windermere Ward at the Geelong Council elections

Excerpt of the interview as it was recorded in Zoom


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